Single inbox for omnichannel messaging

Enable seamless customer communication across SMS, WhatsApp, Live Chat, and Messenger.

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An image showing that broadcast messages to targeted groups of customers
An image showing SMS identification features

Optimise team communication for better customer service

Send direct, internal, and private messages to the right team agent within the same conversation window without notifying customers.

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Assign and mention

Route customer queries to the appropriate teams for handling.

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Privately message agents within customer conversations.


Free text or pre-created messaging Templates

You can free text to customer’s or utilise Templates for pre-defined messaging, ensuring your brand messaging is consistent.

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Pre-created templates

Create messaging Templates to be used across all channels.

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Custom fields

Personalise messages with custom details.

An image showing SMS link
An image of sending verified SMS

Access your Customer’s profile directly from Inbox

Your team can get access to customer profiles to learn more about the customer they’re talking to.

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Customer profile

Access and manage customer information.

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Message history

Archive and share customer conversation history within the team.


Monitor Conversation Progress and Team Effectiveness

Track conversation stats, outbound messages, conversation response time, and Team Leaderboard.

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Centralise and oversee message stats and team performance.

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Insightful reports

Monitor delivery rates for better message tracking.

An image showing SMS link
Delivery icon
Communication experiences

Sign up today and discover how Inbox features can help you create great customer communication experiences.

Leading messaging channels

Supports seamless integration with today's top platforms, with more on the horizon!

Work with your colleagues

Work as a team to solve customer queries and store all communication info in one place.

Get set up within 5 mins.

Try InstaMessage today

Get a free demo

Chat 1-on-1 with a friendly InstaMessage expert! Ask anything, check out all the cool features – it all starts with a conversation!

An image shows a simple button to start using Number Lookup API
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